Is it possible for aliens living millions of light years away to see the dinosaurs walking alive on Earth?

This is an amazing theory and idea which was put forward by an astrophysicist named Matt on his website

It is a common and well established theory that light takes time to travel. When we see the Sun, we are actually seeing it as it was 8 minutes ago and not in it's present form. So, if for some reason, the Sun gets disappeared at this moment, nobody here on Earth would be able to figure this out for another 8 minutes.

So, as the sun is just 149.6 million km (0.00001581 light years) away from us, it takes light 8 minutes to reach us and we see the Sun as it was before 8 minutes and not as it currently is. Similarly, what if an alien civilization living millions of light years or let's say 65 million light years away (as dinosaurs were present on Earth at that time) take out their telescopes and point it towards Earth? What would they see? Would they be able to see dinosaurs walking around? Interesting, isn't it?

Well, if we take the case of Sun into consideration then it might be possible but the only problem is that the sun is just 0.00001581 light years away from us and we can see it easily with our naked eyes but for an alien civilization living 65,000,000.00 light years away, it is impossible to see here without a telescope (or is it possible for them?!). Well, they must be having a telescope. No problem, right?

Umm... wrong! Wrong because the telescope which is needed to have a look at a distance of 65,000,000 light years is almost impossible to build. Why? Because the lens of such a telescope should have to expand a mind-boggling distance of 41,627,214,079,355.52 km which 4.4 light years as suggested by TheInfographicsShow.

Yes, it sounds impossible in each and every single way but what if these aliens are big enough and what if they already have developed such a telescope? What if they are not visiting us because they might be thinking that there is no intelligent life here as all they can see are dinosaurs? Comment below your opinions about these questions and this theory.

For more such intriguing questions and possibilities you should read this book:

Well, the theories are endless and so are our questions.

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  1. Ya ,it's an interesting idea ,similarly ,it is a possibility that in some portion of the universe there might be formation of some other galaxies and planets through some sort of blast and we are unable to find out as that might be happening many many light years from earth .

  2. What about black holes? Is all local visible light present there?

  3. Amazing question there, Wes! Will surely get back to you with the answer. Meanwhile, subscribe to the blog for email notifications whenever I post a new blog post.

  4. interesting topic..but one think I'd like to point out is that here you have considered Dinosaurs as not being intelligent life forms. That is incorrect. They might not have human-like ability to use tools or learn continuously, but they are quite large life forms for the population 65 million years ago.
    if any real life forms were to observe using light(assuming), they would be quite visible.


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